Why Doesn’t It Feel Right Anymore?

September 23, 2009

When our marriage is rocky, many of us wonder how it all happened. We married with the best intentions, and forever, but it’s just not working out well at all. Sometimes the reason is as simple as a power balance gone way out of control. It often happens so slowly and gradually that we are sucked in before we understand. We blame ourselves. We are cut off from family and friends and know no better.

Trust your gut. If things aren’t going well it just might not be your fault. The problem you can’t put your finger on might be your partner has stolen all the power in your relationship. When you try, oh so nicely, to take a kernel back you are thrown into a crazy crisis of threats, yelling, sabotage, or even bodily harm. So you stop trying. It becomes your way to keep things calm and stable for you and your children.

This is living in the cycle of abuse. It’s not like one day you are handed a billboard that announces: “Sorry lady, but you are a victim of domestic violence.”

Instead, you need to slowly figure it out your self, overcome the shock, and sorry to say…. leave. For yourself, your children, your legacy. It is what will ultimately stop domestic violence.

If one day all children grow up in a world of respectful parental relationships they will no longer know how to perpetuate violence. They will see violence as crazy wrong.

Watch this powerful, inspiring video about one woman’s brave exit.

One Response to “Why Doesn’t It Feel Right Anymore?”

  1. wow: It’s not like one day you are handed a billboard that announces: “Sorry lady, but you are a victim of domestic violence.”

    That’s one of the most powerfully true sentences I have read on the topic. I NEVER would have thought I’d be a domestic violence victim. Here’s my brief story of how DC’s Women Empowered Against Violence helped me accept I was a victim without feeling powerless: http://tr.im/zxkL

    Sadly, WEAVE is in jeopardy of losing funding. You can help by visiting http://www.saveweave.org

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